silentgoddess crazy little metal studio
gallery of my art jewelry
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Monday, March 02, 2015
EtsyMetal Blog Carnival: My Jewelry Box
This month's EtsyMetal Blog Carnival topic:
My Jewelry Box
Well, here we are already at the start of three months into the new year. It's been a while since I blogged. A long while. Thought with this month's Blog Carnival topic I would jump back in and share some of my "heirlooms" if you will. None of them are worth millions (or more than hundreds...) of dollars. But all of them are near and dear to my heart. And to be completely honest, I don't wear any of them. Well, maybe except for the lab alexandrite ring my husband gave me. But even that just isn't really in my style so I don't wear it much. But I keep it close and enjoy the meaning behind it. So without any further ado:
Carved Alaskan Native bracelet
Not sure what it is made from. Possibly walrus ivory. Possibly bone. Just not sure. It is marked with: Xa (or Ya?) Okpowruk, Shishmaref AK. My Mother-in-law gave it to me after her Mother had passed away. I love it. Never would wear it, for fear it would get ruined. But I love to look at the little carved huskies, musher and sled.
Next up is a tiny gold cross that was my Grandmother Theodore's. This one I keep purely for sentimental reasons. I am not Christian so the cross really has no meaning to me. However, it, along with the tiny porcelain box I keep it in, was my grandma's. I loved her so and still, occasionally, dream about her. In these dreams, I always say, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in such a long time..." and then I wake up. She always looks young and stylish in the dreams. She was such a beautiful dresser. She loved shoes and would buy a new pair for any occasion. And if they were on sale, she might buy two pair and perhaps a blouse to match. I am guessing since I am writing about her now, I will dream about her soon. I hope I do.
The white gold ring with a lab created alexandrite was given to me by Paul, my partner in crime. I think it was for an anniversary (terrible I don't remember, no? It's okay, we have been married over 20 plus years, I can't keep everything straight ;) When photographing this today, in the light box the stone was a deep, teal green. When the camera snapped the picture the stone shows up purple. One of the reasons I love this ring is the chameleon nature of this stone. Pictures here do no justice. Just believe me, it is a pretty stone. Dirty as of this writing, but pretty. Matches my perpetually dirty fingernails. Comes with the job.
Last but the very farthest from least is my little relic antique greek key ring. My Mom bought this from a lady who would travel the world in search of treasures. Her name was Julia. Unfortunately her last name escapes me. She was a "personal shopper" and I have really no idea when or where my Mom met her. All I really remember is my Mom would call on her occasionally and bring home amazing little treasures. This is one of the things she bought for me when I was a very young girl (tomboy). I wore it non-stop, every day for years. I wore it so much it actually broke and I had to fix it carefully (nearly melted it so I gave up trying for a perfect fix) years down the line. I don't wear it anymore. I just keep it along with my other "treasures" and pull them all out on occasion and remember their stories.
That about covers it for me. Want to keep reading? Check out some other EtsyMetal members' Jewelry Boxes:
Danielle Miller
Rebecca Bogan
Anne Walker
Sunday, November 30, 2014
CYBER MONDAY 2014: FREE SHIPPING on domestic orders
Use code: CYBERMONDAY2014
Must use code and must place orders before the end of December, 1, 2014
Happy Shopping! Buy handmade and support small, independent artists this holiday season!
Monday, February 03, 2014
EtsyMetal Blog Carnival: Romance!
Valentine's Day is coming... how does romance figure into your work? What does it mean to you?
I am an absolute romantic at heart. I love a good love story, I have been known to read trashy romance novels (some maybe even twice) and, boy, do I LOVE weddings. All of this may seem funny coming from a tomboy such as myself. I have never been accused of being a princess or a "girly" girl. But I am a romantic.
Amor Vincit Omnia: Love Conquers All. These are words I live by. And I believe that with all my heart, love truly does conquer all.
As corny as it may sound, I pour my heart into every piece of jewelry I make. When creating pair of rings for someone, I think about the people who will be wearing them, how the receiver may be caught off guard by the gift of jewelry. I like to think that there may be a few (happy) tears and big hugs. And maybe someone kneeling down on one knee to ask that all important question. The one that will eventually be answered with a "I Do!" And knowing that something that I am creating will play a part in that? Oh, that makes me a happy soul.
I love the creation process and the act of handing a small piece of myself over in my work. I would like to think that something that I create will be handed down from a Mother to a Daughter or a Son and that there may be a story told about how one felt when they were given that gift. I hope that the love and energy I put into my work moves throughout the world. Little by little. The world can always use more love. I am happy to do my part in sharing it.
Monday, January 06, 2014
EtsyMetal Blog Carnival: Finding my Self in 2014
New Year's Resolutions What New Year's Resolutions have you made for this year? Which ones did you make last year that were successful? Do you have any advice for keeping resolutions throughout the year?
Happy 2014 to all!
I have spent the majority of my adult life worrying about everyone else. Whether it be my friends, my family or others that I don't know but thought I needed to help. I don't regret the path, but I feel like it is time to divert off this well worn walkway and cut a new one.
I came to a revelation a few days ago about how I have always found a way (consciously or subconsciously) to prevent taking my business to the next level. Whether it was due to first needing to work full time for someone else, then to raising my son, then volunteering at his school, then volunteering for my community, I have always put what I truly want on the back burner. With the new year and my new sense of "self" I have made the conscious decision that 2014 will be about doing what I really want to do. And for me, that is pouring all of my creative energy into taking my art to the next level. I have taken some big steps in the last few days to clear my mental space as well free up my weekly calendar to allow me to take this new year head on! I can hardly wait!
So without further delay…
Here is my short list of goals for 2014
1. Design and fabricate a weekly item using at least one thing from my current "stash" (Rx3 EtsyMetal Challenge)
2. Create one of a kind pieces for the gallery
3. Submit artwork for publication
4. Pursue additional retail outlets for my artwork
5. Be more invested with art-driven groups
This is the first year in a long time that I have really thought about yearly goals and set them. I am pretty excited to see that my year ahead will be filled with artistically driven endeavors. This, alone, should make these easy(and fun) goals to reach.
Here is to a WONDERFUL 2014!
Laura Jane Bouton
Abella Blue
Evelyn Markasky
Monday, July 01, 2013
EtsyMetal Blog Carnival: Favorite Recipe
What are your favorite recipes? Simple ones, difficult ones, BBQ, crock pot, patinas...?! Feel free to add a story about the success or failure of them.
This recipe's history with me is very bittersweet (oh, but the pie is only sweet. Sweet deliciousness in epic proportions). I was introduced to it by a really good friend. Well, a really good friend at the time. One who would suddenly up and disappear out of my life, basically overnight, taking herself and this recipe with her without a second look.
I spent months trying to figure out what the Hell happened to this once amazing friendship. Then while wallowing, I realized that not only did she steal away out of my life without a care but she took this damn recipe with her. I spent months. Seriously... months searching for it online. Doing every kind of Google search imaginable using search terms that only the best tongue twister could conjure up. Then one day, one glorious day, I found it. I found the Holy Granny Smith Grail of pie recipes. HA! Take that "friend..."
Okay, enough negativity. I don't want to jade you on what could be one of the BEST apple pies you will ever taste. All I want you to remember about this pie is the very first bite you take. Savor that sweet, unmatchable moment. It is a moment that you may just carry with you from here and throughout the rest of your days. And yes. It has pineapple juice in it. Even if you don't like pineapples (for the record, I do not care for the prickly fruit) don't let that stop you from making this masterpiece. I swear, it is worth it. Now go buy some apples.
I do want to mention that I have switched a bit here and there from the original "friend's" recipe. But I am not going to say what I did. Just know that I made this recipe my own; and better. Only she would know the change I made. And that is all I am saying...
Texas Apple Pie
1 unbaked double pie crust (I use store bought...)
3 Tbsp. butter, softened
1-1/2 c. brown sugar
1 egg, beaten
1/4 c. pineapple juice
3 Tbsp. flour
1 t. vanilla
1/4 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. nutmeg
1 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 Tbsp. evaporated milk
Pare, core and thinly slice (I mean, very thin) 5 to 6 apples. Arrange in an unbaked pie crust. Beat the softened butter, gradually add brown sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Add beaten egg and mix well. Add pineapple juice (yes! pineapple juice), flour, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix well and pour over apples. Cover with top crust and vent. Brush with a glaze made of 1 Tbsp. brown sugar and 1 Tbsp. evaporated milk. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or longer until apples are tender. I like my apples to be soft and fully cooked in any apple pie. I test the doneness of the apples through the slits on top of the crust by poking them with a sharp knife. If there is any resistance, I keep baking the pie, testing doneness every 5 minutes or so. Serve pie warm with ice cream. Or without. Just be prepared to bake several of these pies for friends and relatives once they taste it. You will be responsible for bringing pie for any holiday or special occasion from here on out. You're welcome.
Want to discover more? Check out other EtsyMetal members' favorite recipes:
KSkilesJewelry (post coming soon!)
Monday, June 17, 2013
June & July Studio Classes are UP!
Click here to read full class descriptions, see dates and prices. Register early to ensure you get a seat.
Monday, March 11, 2013
April & May Studio Classes Posted

Click here to read full class descriptions, see dates and prices. Register early to ensure you get a seat.
Sunday, March 03, 2013
EtsyMetal Blog Carnival: I am here.
This month's EtsyMetal Blog Carnival topic:
Where do you live?
Physically, mentally, emotionally...
City, state, country; house, apartment, farm; orderly, chaotic, on the edge...
Give us a picture of who you are by showing and telling us where you live, how your surroundings may inspire you...
It feels like a good fit for my artistic heart and bohemian gypsy spirit. It is a little city with a lot of urban energy. Full of art, hipsters, wannabes and wanderlust. With Evergreen State College several miles from the historic downtown core, it is not uncommon to see a few barefoot tree huggers moving about on my AM drive to my studio. Latte' cup in hand, messy bed-head bent down to keep the rain out of bleary, up-too-late-cramming eyes.

One moment I can be in downtown Oly driving by a bustling Darby's cafe and the next moment I can be on the banks of the Deschutes river watching the water cascade down toward the old Olympia brewery.

I grow here.
Keep reading to see where other EtsyMetal members live and love and create:
Lou Hunter
Laura Jane Bouton
Inbar Bareket
Abella Blue
Cynthia Del Giudice
Rebecca Bogan
Erin Austin
Deborah Lee Taylor
Anne Walker
Theresa Kwong
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Jewelry Making Tools!
I am very happy to announce that I am now carrying a great collection of beginning jewelry making tools at the Silentgoddess Studio! You can shop online and have them shipped directly to you or you can pick them up at the studio in Downtown Olympia.
Browse our current tool inventory now:
Silentgoddess Jewelry Making Tools
I will be adding new tools to the studio's inventory so check back to see what is new. I can order just about any tool you may need (or want) so feel free to contact me with your requests.
If you decide to order online and pick your tools up in person, I will refund any and all shipping/handling charges that are incurred by placing your order online. If you prefer to just come in and browse, drop me an email letting me know when you plan on stopping by (just to make sure I am in the studio). I can accept credit card payments in person or PayPal for online orders.